Nataliya Zhyhaylo

Position: Associate Dean, Faculty of Philosophy

Phone (office): (032) 239-45-79


Google Scholar profile:

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Research interests

Research interests:

  • topical issues of age and pedagogical psychology
  • psychology of personal growth
  • psychology of spiritual formation and realization of personality
  • modern challenges of business psychology and management




ODCID ID 0000-0001-5686-2652

More than 300 scientific and educational works, including:


  1. Zhyhaylo N., NI Psychology of spiritual development of the future specialist: Monograph. – Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2008. – 336 p.
  2. Zhyhaylo N., NOT Social pedagogy. Tutorial. – Lviv: New World – 2000, 2007. – 256 p. With the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
  3. Zhyhaylo N., NI Socio-economic diagnostics. Textbook Lviv: “New World-2000”, 2008. – 188 p. Stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
  4. Zhyhaylo N., Sociology and psychology: textbook. way. – К .: Каравела, 2009. – 760 с. Stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (co-author)
  5. Zhyhaylo N., Communicative management: textbook. way. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2012. – 368 p. With the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
  6. Zhyhaylo N., Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: textbook. way. – Lviv: Spolom Publishing House, 2014. – 256 p.
  7. Zhyhaylo N., Kokhan MO, Danilevich NM Psychology of business and management: a textbook. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing Center, 2019.- 308 p.
  8. Zhyhaylo N.,, Zakalyk GM. Psychology of change and innovation: Textbook Lviv: Publishing House “Spolom”, 2017. – 256 p.
  9. Zhyhaylo N., Yatsura VV, Khoronzhiy AG Psychology of the head: A textbook. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2015. – 256 p.
  10. Zhyhaylo N., Psychology: teaching method. way. – Lviv: Spolom Publishing House, 2013. – 264 p.



  1. Zhyhaylo N., Ruzhak L.Activities of public organizations for the spiritual formation of youth // (Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment) Monograph SENSE.
  2. Zhyhaylo N. I. Psychological aspects of personal and spiritual Youth growth (Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment) Monograph SENSE
  3. Zhyhaylo N., Psychological characteristics of professional career development of an individual // PEDAGOGY // ZESZYTY NAUKOWE // Wyższej Szkoły Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczej Studium Generale Sandomiriense w Sandomierzu // NR 2/2019 // P. 22-32 Section of the monograph
  4. Natalia Zhyhaylo. Economic thinking in the design of professional development manager Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyzsej Szkoly Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczej Studium Generale Sandomiriense: Pedagogika. – Sandomierz, 2016 – p.127-137. Monograph section
  5. Zhyhaylo N., Spirituality as a tool for overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder // Post-traumatic stress disorder: Adults, Children and Families in a War Situation: International Scientific and Practical Edition. – Vol. I. – Warsaw – Kyiv .: PAN – Gnosis, 2017/2018. Monograph section
  6. Zhyhaylo N., Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of future lawyers // IAPM Publishing Center. Lviv. – 2019. – 286 p. Monograph (co-authored by Zoshiy IV)


  1. Zhyhaylo N., Bozhenko N. New challenges during the pandemic: psychological underdisting // New challenges during the pandemic: psychological understanding
  2. Zhyhaylo N., Yurynets Z. Optimal strategy for the development of insurance business structures in a competitive environment.// CEUR Workshop Proceedings, MoMLeT + DS, 2020, Vol. 1.
  3. Zhyhaylo NI, Karpinskaya RI, Smolikevych NR, Kravchyk MB, Lunyov VY, (2019). Psychology of Business, Leadership and Communication as a scientific perspective direction in Ukraine and Europe. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities.
  4. Zhyhaylo N. I., Karpinska R. I. Psychology of individual and spiritual leader growth Psychological Journal
  5. Zhyhaylo N. I., Volodymyr Morgun. Psychology of Students ’spiritual formation in the higher educational establishments // Psychology of spiritual formation of students higher education institutions


1970 – Rava-Ruska, Zhovkva district, Lviv region.


2020 – 2 ECTS internship certificate (60 hours) by studying at the courses “Digital Competences in Education” at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in the framework of professional development of research and teaching staff. Certificate № 01467243/02676 – 20.

2020 – 2 ECTS internship certificate (60 hours) by participation in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration”.

2020 – 2 ECTS internship certificate (60 hours) by participation in the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Philosophical and psychological aspects of spirituality in the activities of public organizations.”

2020 – internship certificate of 1 ECTS (30 hours) by participation in a professional online training course for the EU Career Day 2020 at Lviv University.

2019 – 2 ECTS internship certificate (60 hours) by participation in the I International scientific-practical conference “Modern paradigm of public administration”.

September-October 2020 – internship at the Department of History and Philosophy of Lviv University of Trade and Economics.

October-November 2015 – internship at the Department of Personnel Management and Administration of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”.

September-October 2010 – internship at the Department of Management, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

2012 – received the academic title of Professor of Management.

In 2010 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Psychology of spiritual development of students of higher educational institutions” and received the degree of Doctor of Psychology in the specialty 19.00.07. – pedagogical and age psychology.

In 2012 she was awarded the title of Professor of Management.

2007 – received the academic title of associate professor of sociology.

2001 – defended her dissertation on the topic: “Psychological organization of the process of learning mathematical concepts by adolescents”, received the degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences in the specialty: “19.00.07 – Pedagogical and age psychology.”

1996-2001 – studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Psychology named after GS Kostyuk NAPS of Ukraine.

1987-1992 – studied at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

1985-1987 – studied at Lipnytsia Secondary School, graduating with honors.

1977-1985 she studied at the Starosil eight-year school of Zhovkva district of Lviv region.


2019 – present – Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of Philosophy, Professor of Theory and History of Political Science.

2008-2019 – Professor of Management.

2005-2008 – Associate Professor of Sociology.

1999-2005 – teacher of psychology at the Andrei Krupinsky Medical College of Lviv.

1991-1999 – psychologist of the secondary school № 69 in Lviv.

2018 – Awarded the Order of Pride and Glory of Ukraine.

2008, 2020 – Gratitude of the Rector of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.



Chairman of the organizing committee of 22 Regional, All-Ukrainian and International scientific-practical conferences.

Interdisciplinary projects:

2021 – VI International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Philosophical and psychological aspects of spirituality in education and science.” – Lviv, Lviv National University, April 23, 2021. Certificate. Professional internship program. 60 hours (2 ECTS credits)

2020 – V International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Philosophical and psychological aspects of spirituality in the activities of public organizations.” – Lviv, Lviv National University, April 22, 2020. Certificate. Professional internship program. 60 hours (2 ECTS credits)

2019 – IV International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Philosophical and psychological aspects of leadership in business, education and government.” – Lviv, Lviv National University, March 15, 2019.

2018 – International scientific-practical conference: “Psychology of business and management: the challenges of today.” – Lviv, Lviv National University, March 16-17, 2018

2017 – III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation: “Philosophical and psychological aspects of spirituality in economics and management.” – Lviv, Lviv National University, April 19, 2017

2016 – II All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference: “Philosophical and psychological aspects of spirituality: trust as a factor as a factor of change in the economy and society.” – Lviv, Lviv National University, February 19, 2016

2015 – I All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation: “Philosophical and psychological aspects of spirituality: socio-economic transformations and the revival of national dignity”, April 20, 2015

Supervisor of seven defended candidate dissertations:

  1. Mraka Natalia. Topic: “Psychological features of the formation of literary and creative imagination of student youth”, 2011
  2. Terletska Nadiya. Topic: “Early pathopsychological diagnosis of neurotic disorders in patients of somatic hospitals”, 2012
  3. Borisenko Oksana. Topic: “Psychological and pedagogical principles of forming the empathic and personal attitude of parents to children with autism”, 2013
  4. Marco Victoria. Topic: “Spiritual education of primary school children in Sunday schools”, 2013
  5. Stelmakh Oksana. Topic: “Psychological conditions for the formation of professional self-concept of future rescuers”, 2016
  6. Kusa Anna. Topic: “Psychological features of the formation of the creative imagination of future designers”, 2017
  7. Zoshiy Irina. Topic: “Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of future lawyers”, 2018


2018 – Awarded the Order of Pride and Glory of Ukraine.

2008, 2020 – Gratitude of the Rector of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.


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